Wednesday, 16 February 2011

well that didn't go to plan

well today was parents day, and well dispight me looking forward to it, fate seemed to have other ideas

I started off by slightly oversleeping and was just waking up and sorting out andys cage, when there is a knock at my bedroom door (I don't wonder how said person got in to the house) and me still half asleep and still in my PJs deside to open the door, to find my dad standing there (and I mean the cool awesome god dad, not that paul isn't awesome, but hes only my step dad, and doesn't realy beat having a god for a parent, though having him actually around is usefull)

anyway he doesn't seem to mind I didn't get dressed before he came, so I chat to him for a bit before getting ready, though in my excitment Fate desided to give me its first kicking, not only do I forget to mension Dom, but I mension Jack 3 times in my excitment of seeing him and well being a god and all my dad picks up on it and asks, so I kind of have to tell him (I mean gods are super effective at reading lies right, though someone of them must be super effective at it makes up mear scions seem so weak and feble compared to them)

anyway after slipping in to my normal jeans and a T-shirt we go make breckfast, Dad seems happy with me serving him coco pops and toast, though I do offer him the bacon, but he desides not to make me cook it, which is nice of him. though Fate then gives me the 2nd kicking off the day and I confuse getting laid with laying eggs, and so andy and my dad spend most of the morning laughing at me, just what I need, though what is some good news, my dad prefers me to date someone out side the panthion, saves me marrying someone thats related to me (suposidly thats happens a lot, might get andy to draw me a family tree, remind him that as my 1/2 brother he shouldn't be jumping down my top and pants)

o and at the point Dom shows up (his parent being dead, he must feel like a bit of a spair part) with wag (andy hids under the bed) and this walking bush called mint (turns out the herb was named after her, dispight the fact when in human form she looks about 8- yep she's a nymiph so can do both walking bush form and human, and well being in a male dominated norse dorm and all the girls seem to be much older than her, she asked to hang round with me, which is cool for our girly film nights)

anway we wonder arround a bit descussing stuff like my lectures before hearing the rest of the group is handing round for activities, which is cool we guess is cool, but fate disided to give me the 3rd kicking of the day, and I forgot to introduce my dad to everyone, so were all standing there chatting, and he is behind me wondering when I'm going to rember him which takes me a while

thankfull Dad doesn't seem to mind much and he jokes around with me and the rest of the group, that is until jack turns up and for some strange reasons I lose all confidence in talking to him, and go in to super nervous meg mode, which hasn't happened for a long time

anyway so soon as I fell like I might have to make up some excuss for leaving, my rescuer comes, though I never thought it would be korina, but she lands and we being chatting about stuff like her mum who supposidly had to leave

Anyway as litraliy mins after korina arrives, we get a mini earthquake thing and the greak, lord dead dude (I fail at names, and andy is reading a book somewhere) turns up with some cute looking 3 headed dog, well andy didn't like the earthquake, and he certianly didn't like the dog and so did his normal 'lets hide down meg's bra trick' to which almost as a reaction, I phycicly ask Jack for help, not relisesing he can't realy help with out putting his hands up my top, with my dad standing around e.g. fate kicking number 4

anyway kory at this point reveals that hadies is her dad, which is awesome in someways, having two godly parents rocks, though I'm pritty sure I'm only half god- well for the moment suposidly I've got to earn my full godhood/imortality

anyway at the point uncle Dagda turns up and desides to eat all the food before agreeing that if we don't eat pig for a year, he would toughen us up, which sounds good to me, I'm vegie anyway so I agree as do 1 or two others

anyway after about 10 mins of the group chatting, my dad takes me a side and gives me a hug before laying his hand on my sholder and saying a few words, and seconds later there is a rabbit tattoo on my right sholder blade, which is awesome, though a bit scary, I hope mum understands, its not like I ever planned to tattoo, I mean I've not even got my ears pierced

Anyway when I return jack has gone with the rest of the group, he didn't even rember me enough to send me a text...... does he love me or not??

o and anyway I wake up the next morning to find the tattoo gone..... maybe its all I dream I wonder, maybe jack doesn't think I'm a fool, like my dad and stuff

then I go to change out of my PJ bottoms and notice a pair of bunny ears sticking out of the top of them

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