Thursday, 17 February 2011

classes begin and I realise I'm just a huge fool, a big fat ugly fool

Why do I bother, the one guy I've ever loved, the one you could say, and I go and screw it up, no wonder I'm single, no wonder I've got no friends, no wonder my family dumped me here on this huge turtle in the sea, I hate the sea, and they still send me here, why am I even writing this blog, no one reads it, I'm just kidding my self, who wants to read about some stage magician who has two pervy rabbits, as fat as a pig, and as ugly.... well as some ugly thing.

yer it all started the day after parents day, I woke up to find my tattoo (which I'm dreading my mum finding out about, she'll kill me) had disappeared from my shoulder, then I went to shower, and well now changed to a different rabbit compleatly and sat just above my womanhood (not that its any use any more, no body loves me, why would anyone) which scares me slightly- so I go and see Mrs componen about it, her dad's thorth so she might know something about magic tattos, and well I don't fancy showing Harry, he would probibly get me done for starting a student, teacher relationships 

(ooc- insert the results of that when tabbith replys!!)

anyway I then go to music, class and well jack turns up, and well I desided to show him what I know (he's learning to play gitar, I sing and play piano) and once we finish, we deside to hang around a bit (as we are the only student in the class) only for andy (who seems to have picked up the courage to talk to everyone now) to anounce to Jack that I like him, which I kind of have to conferm, and well you can tell as soon as I say it, well he seems so shocked and against the idea, I've probibly should never speak to him again, the one guy on the island who seems normaly now thinks I'm some kind of stalkers 

so I'm sat here alone, no use to anyone, I'm just a waste of time and space, whats the point anymore

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