Wednesday, 19 January 2011

2nd day! woot I survived part 1

hello bloggers and welcome to my 2nd blog- I've survived 2 days no- woot go me

well the day started intresting to say the least, I woke up to the sound of some strange bird coawing and 2 people screaming and groaning- I though about going to investigate, but according to andy the couple next door were already at it- some people, it was 10 to 8 in the morning

anyway with that sorted I got a shower before sitting down to my bowl of coco pops, and desided to text jack see if he had any plans- well he invited me round for breakfast, and I mean a full on english breakfst (why do they call it that considing we having it ireland too??) well the dissision took about a micro second in my head- full english breakfast with the hotest guy on the island, or cocopops on my own with just andy, well I was out of my dorms so quick I forgot that I'd yet to put makeup on or dry my hair (though I rembered to pick up my brief case- no andy I would of rembered if you hadn't said it)

anyway I wander over to jacks house and after a bit of luck by happening to pass a jogger who pointed out jacks house (he had hermies on his jacket, I dout it was him though, why would hermies be jogging on our island?) I knocked and waited

turns out jack had forgoten to change out of his PJs, the problem was he slept nude, so I got a bit of a shock when he opened the door, I think andy nearly choked (not realy what you want to see when your about to have suasuage and egg for breakfast!)

anyway after a bit of friendly reminding he went and got stuff on while I finnished cooking the breakfast and then jack came back and we talked for a bit, I even met a few of his house mates, seriously that house seems to be full of hot guys, might have to spend more time round there

anyway 1.2 way through breakfast I rembered that I'd yet to use my tarot cards (o.k. fine andy you remined me) and so I quickly nipped to the loo, and delt them out how my dad told me, and well the message came back watch out for new blood- which was compleatly useless at the time and so I used the time to dry my hair (woops I've left my head towel in jake's bathroom, hope he doesn't mind, maybe another excuess to go round for breakfast) and use some stage make up to look presntable (not the best thing in the world for flerting with hot guy, but its better than nothing)

anyway the the other hot guy (turns out he is a DJ) said that he had his scedual and then I suddenly relised I hadden't got mine- woops- so I made the worlds quickest bacon sandwhich (what jake had made enough for like a small magic troop, I might as well take some with me) before running out of the house towards arwens office

however jake caught up with me, (wow hot and fast) and told me we don't start till next week, so we desided to explore the town while on the way we talked about our parents and stuff, turned out we both had a fairly good relationship with them, when they bother to show up and other stuff before we almost walked in to a guy with a jaguar just walking arround (yes it was slightly scary, I'm glad I had jake next to me for comfort) however andy went nuts, took one look at the thing, did some kind of rabbit scream and then threw him self at me (yes you did andy the only other time I've see you move that fast is when some lady rabit invites you down her burrow- and don't lie I've seen you) so I had to hold him

anyway turns out the guy is someone from uni and the jaguar is the 'animal part of his soul' which sounds realy cool, though its something to do with his parents so I can't have one which is a shame I mean it can talk and everything

anyway we got talking and turns out he is looking for this professer cop or something and that something is making people fight a dragon

well at the word dragon andy did his weird scream thing and dived down the nearest hole possible, the only problem was that was my top and he dug his way inside my bra, and so spent the rest of the time between my boobs quivering, nowthat is a odd feeling, and as I couldn't get to him with out like taking everything off, I though it best to leave him there for the time being (though jake did offer to get him out, I almost said yes but then rembered we had only known each other a day, and my dad would prob disaprove, maybe next time there are "dragons about" (lol, andy did his weird scream again,its kind of cute and funny I might have to record it next time, honnestly andy your a big wimp)

anyway jake made a huge fool of him self (which had me in stiches) by mixing up his big cats and realy offening the guy and his jaguar (I mean one you got over the fact it was a jaguar and relised it was quite 'tame and civilised' in some ways- yes andy it was, it wouldn't of had you for breakfast, maybe if you wern't perving on my you would of relised that)

anyway sometime duering all of that (what I was distracted by jake making a fool of him self and a fury shaking ball in my bra), the cop turns up and sort of sorts things out 

anyway jake says he might be able to hipnotise the guy with the jaguar in to rembering all the detals for the cop, and then gets out a watch and does all the normal hipnotis stuff- that is so cool, might get him to teach me for my show, would be something diffrant, we could practace on andy (yes andy I'm serious, I'm not having you burrying in to my bra everytime there is a big monster about, seriously you mannaged to scrach me and I only cliped your claws yesterday)

anyway turns out the 5 guys who had been attacked had been given some meat off a troll, or something like that (blame my shaking third brest- hang on a second if women has 3 nipples do they have 3 breasts??) and then there was something to do with herbs and red quicksiver, which I've never heard of however we mannage to get a trail on the troll

we get so far and relised the trail splits in two, and so while the rest of them work out what to do I rember the other side of the tarrot cards magic and offer to ask the fates some questions

well thats part one guys, its kind of late so I'll get part two up tomorrow hopefully by then andy hasn't dived down my pants, other wise I'll put him in his cage and not talk to him for a week (yes andy I could do that, I can spend more time flerting with jake then)

night all, and no guys you can't do a andy and hide between my boobs, if andy had a face you could slap I would of done, well that and a shaking rabbit is kind funny,

see you later and keep reading

meg (and andy the scardy cat rabbit)

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