hi all, mystical megan here, reporting to all my friends back home on my time here at uni her on turtle island, note andy also says hi to you all (andy get off the keyboard, your claws scrach the keys)
It was my first day on the island today with a load of other people who are moving her and there seems to be a lot going on, I eventally mannaged to pack all my stuff together and get it off the boat (what my cloaths were all in my suit case, andy was blanced on top of that, then I had my back pack with my laptop and stuff in, and then my magic case, a lot of stuff for a small girl like me)
anyway got off and went over to this table for all the new students were this big mintor thing and a guy were standing there welcoming us all, who introduced him self as Aunwn (andy says he was a famous warlord or something like that, why would a famous warlord give up his time to teach us?) , turns out the guy is my uncle or something like that, why is family history so complicated.
anyway so while I'm trying to sort my self out, this realy hot guy comes over and begins chatting me up, and man he is hot, in fact I'm blushing just thinking about him, yep my knees are even going now anyway we start talking, and he is also realy nice, turns out he is one of the greek guys, which is cool, wonder if he has any of that fancy armour the roman and them lot wore, cos that would be cool
anyway there is a few others, for example kory, who andy thinks is greek, though she doesn't say much and looks a bit depressed, poor girl, might have to talk to her more when I'm not tonge tied with Jack (seriously girls I'll get a pic with him later, he will get your pantys in a twist just looking at him) she seems a bit quiet, though she does have a cool pegusus, supsodily its her uncle, though don't know how that works, maybe like andy he used to be human and then got stuck as a horse (andy stop getting rabbit spit all over my laptop and eat your carrot over there, honnestly why can't my dad get me a house trained magican in rabbit form)
Also there is Tabitha a teacher who teaches histoy, and and is a scion of throth which makes andy happy, supposidly throth is a realy big godly mage or something, and andy realy likes him, I probibly learn more about him off my cource
so any way this Aunwn shows us round a bit, and turns out he is my dorm leader, however the rest of the people are in other dorms, so I'm going to have to make some new friends
anyway we turn up at this arena thing and there are all thease gods fighting over who gets to talk, an so I desided to practace the trick shuffle andy taught me on the way over (and remind me andy next time we go back, not to go by boat, I was so sea sick, I'm suppried I'm not still green now)
anyway jack seems intrested in magic and so I preform the "your card is in your pocket all allong trick" to which he has no idea how I did it, however he offerd to teach me to play poker, yes the hottest guy in the year is teaching me poker, my heart is fluttering just thinking about it (no andy, don't worry your still welcome to live with me, and no andy I'm not planing on marrying then, well not yet at least, though that would be awesome, I'd have his babys every week, o shut up andy we all know how many rabbits you got pregenant don't we, and don't give your 'ajusting to the sex drive' excuesse just be lucky I've not got you castrated)
Anyway so eventally this elephant guy, gannesh or something, says some big welcome thing (acording to andy he is an ace magician to, though he also says gannesh rides around on a mouse, andy he is blinking elephant man, the mouse would need to be the size of a shire horse) and then tells us all to head to our dorms on our own
turns out I'm on my own as Aunwn left earlyer so I've got to find my own way there, and well I don't know anyone, and the girls I met, well there nice but we have nothing in common
so bacicly I'm typing this cos I've got nothing else to do, hang on I've got jack number (no andy I'm not asking him out, A I've only known him a day and B thats the mans job, I'll just have to flert with him like crazy and hope he likes me) might ring him and see if he is settling in, anyway better get ready for bed (yes andy that mean you two, and no oggling me, you know the rules your going under the bed while I change)
night blog readers be back soon
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