sorry if my blogs are becoming more and more vairied in length and timing, what with my studies (3 essesy!!!!) hanging out with Andy and Kory and now harry (there a bit of an item but not everyone knows so hush) and if I'm not doing that I'm normaly round Jacks, that guy has got the worlds most amazing tongue ever,- but you don't need to know about that
anyway on with the life
We have been out on a 'hunting trip' for the last few days- part of it was to prove to my self that I'm no longer a wimpy little girl but a young woman, and partly cos Jack and Kory (and the rest of the group as well) are going so I'd be on my own if I didn't
So we spent a few days exploring, including finding a hot sping, which was cool, on the two times we went there, first time was with winter and Kory, which was cool just sitting and chatting with them which was a real laugh
the 2nd was with jack and I've never felt anything like it- 6months ago I'd scream if anyone saw an inch of my boobs, now kory has seen me in my underwear and jack has seen me nude, and I kind of like it, its like there is no barriers between us, you can't get any closer, and he is so gentle and yet so powerful, he is so perfect, and so I had to blert out to him that I'd drempt of having his kids, though not for a while, lets finish uni first and stuff and get married and get a nice little cottage together in a meddow and stuff, just the two of us, and we can lie in the meddow nude, looking up at the sky just me and him
[meg gets all soppy at this point so I'm taking over, while she daydreems- andy]
anyway the next day we turn up to camp and meg desides to wake everyone up, they would think its murder- luckaly for meg (I can immagine harry shooting her in the knee or something) kory turns up and shuts her up- turns out the rabbit tattoos are spreading there is now 3, wish they were real there are some super hot ones- they tend to be hotter on the more reveling parts of meg but anyway less of the perving on my 'sister'
Kory surestes getting in touch with my Dad- well I've already tried email, but kory surgests praying- though meg has to have it explain that its not just something muslims do, it more just speacking and hoping your dad's listnining
[and I'm back- yep I can carry on now andy I think you have scrached my keyboard enough]
yep so after kory sorts me out, they go out to track some lizzards, definatly not my skill area, so I desided to go in serch of jack and maybe do a bit of camp cleaning, only to bump in to winter and sort stuff out, she is actuall quite nice when her evil shaddow isn't arround (though don't tell her I said that, she can't know)
at this point jack shows up (she does his normal attempt to take him out fail-Andy) and we chat (she mean wimpering in to his chest-andy) for a bit before some massive mushroom woman turns up, and revials her self to be my dad's mum- e.g. my granny!!! (though supposidly it makes her sound old- then again she is a mushroom!)
anyway suposidly my dad heard my request and though he couldn't make it the mushroom could (hang on a second does that mean I've a 1/4 mushroom DNA?)
anyway she says she can stop the tattoo multiplying and moving, but fate might screw me over, and when trying to work it out jack desides to be unhelpfull and says its my dissision- and I stuggle to deside what colured socks to wear in the morning
anway I deside to go with it, and the mushroom touches my sholder and supposidly all the rabbits diesided to bounce along to my left sholder and sit on mushrooms drinking tea
at which point kory and the group run in retreating from some lizzard things- to which the mushroom helps out dealing with, while Jack and I run over to Dom who is looking on his last legs- jack does his first aid stuff, and well I try to help (mostly just by wishing jack luck, which triggers the luck spell, is there anything that doesn't!)
We then relise we need to leave due to the lizzards and so everyone starts packing up camp and heading back to uni- though I relised half way back I'd never botherd to put my top back on so am walking around in my swim suit but I don't think jack minded.
well better go its late and I don't like not being in my own bed at the best of times, so am tired, might go and me and kory have our underwear shopping list to organise and stuff, is it bad that the thought of me lieing on jack in a thong and skimpy bra exictes me? (YES-Andy)
Meg (and Andy)
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